College Snap Shots

In an effort to provide Burlington High School students and their families with relevant and up-to-date college information, the Guidance Staff will be visiting various colleges and universities and providing you with information. The colleges visited do not represent a preference on the part of the BHS Guidance Department towards any particular school.

In the college search process, many things are taken into consideration. Things that are considered, but not limited to are: campus size, location, number of students on campus, majors, tuition, distance from home, athletic programs, clubs and other activities. When considering a college, students must also make realistic decisions based on personal interest, grades, test scores, etc.

The department feels that the college visit is an integral part of the process, and we strongly encourage students to visit any and all schools that interest them, especially if these schools are fairly close by. The information we provide is only a small snapshot into each respective college. We hope to add information about other schools in the future, and as always we appreciate any feedback that you have that would help us provide our students and their families useful information in the sometimes overwhelming college search process.

Furthermore we ask that students also research colleges by using their Naviance accounts and scheduling meetings with their counselor on a consistent basis. Please feel free to contact your son or daughter's individual counselor if you have any further questions.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tufts University

Date of Visit:  11/4/08
Visited by:  Ms. Diozzi
Building on main quad

College/University Name:  Tufts University
Location:  Medford, MA

Population:  4800 undergraduates

Campus Type:  Suburban campus with urban access

Number of BHS students who applied:

                 Applied   Admitted  Attended
2012            9             2                1
2011           13             2                1
2010           14             1                0
2009           21             6                2           

Most Popular majors:  Humanities, anything international, engineering.  “New” college (00): Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service

Eco-friendly "green" dorm

On Campus Housing Information:  Freshmen and sophomores are required to live on campus.  40-45% of all juniors will be studying abroad.  Most seniors live on campus.  There is one “green” dorm. 10% Greek housing.

Snap Shot:  Founded as a Unitarian Universalist college (though with no ties to it now), Tufts still has a ‘vibe’ of intellectualism, active citizenship and being part of a global community.  When I visited on Election Day, 2008, there was a strong sense of politics on the campus, much of it with a left-leaning bent.  Students are required to take six semesters of a foreign language and to have taken four years of a language in high school (preferably through the AP level).  They are looking for students whose passions cross academic disciplines:  ex. “engineers who love the arts, multilingual business leaders, doctors who relish politics,” etc.

Art studios
Elephant - "Jumbo the Elephant" is Tufts's mascot

Mayer Campus Center

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