Date of BHS Guidance Visit: 12/3/15
Location: Smithfield, RI. About an hour south of Burlington.
Population of School: 3500 undergraduates
Campus type: Beautiful residential campus with ponds in suburban town, 20 minutes from Providence. Students can ride the public RI bus system for free and frequently it to Providence and Newport. The college also has vans and zipcars available to students.
Most Popular Majors
Students do not need to declare a major until the end of sophomore year and coming in undecided is just fine. Bryant has two colleges: the College of Business and the College of Arts & Sciences. All students are required to major in one and minor in the other. All programs integrate both philosophies. Freshmen are all required to complete a series of special classes and projects called the “Gateway Experience”, which includes the development and pitch of a product in a “shark tank” and a three day “IDEA: Innovation and Design” course after winter break where students work collaboratively and compete for prizes.
There are no teaching assistants or lecture style classes. The average class size is around 25 and classes all incorporate group projects. One of the most popular classes is a finance class that allows students to invest actual Bryant University money in the stock market.
On Campus Housing Information
Most students live on campus and stay on campus for weekends. Freshmen has the option of living in either traditional dorms or suite-style set-ups. Sophomores and juniors live in suites and seniors live in townhouses. All housing is within about a 5 minute walk from academic buildings.
Private, co educational, medium-sized university integrating both business and liberal arts, focused on innovation and leadership. The most popular states and countries that students come from are Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey as well as India, Turkey, China, Ghana, and Ecuador. Bryant has a sister campus in China as well as a China Institute on campus. In addition to traditional study abroad opportunities, Bryant also offers 2-week courses abroad called the “sophomore international experience.” Though internships are not required, most students complete 2-3 internships before graduating. Bryant’s Career Center was rated in the top 10 by Princeton Review and 99% of graduates report being employed or starting graduate school within six months of graduating with a median salary of $53,500. Bryant students are known for their school spirit and cheering on their athletes, especially in Division I basketball and football. The school mascot is a bulldog and, “Tupper”, a real bulldog is frequently seen on campus, being wheeled around in a stroller. Community service and Greek Life are both popular and most students are involved in at least 3-4 clubs. A tradition that students enjoy at the end of first semester each year, is the “Festival of Lights”, where students gather in the rotunda and light candles. The average accepted student has a 3.5 GPA and 1200 on the SAT or 25 on the ACT. Bryant is test optional, but students who do not submit test scores are required to answer 3 additional essay questions. Merit scholarships range from $8,000-$30,000 per year and are guaranteed all four years as low as students maintain a certain GPA.

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